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The purpose of the Special Education Parent Advisory Council is to establish better understanding and communication between parents/guardians and school officials and to provide support for special education to meet the needs of all students with disabilities and advise the School Committee on matters that pertain to the education, health, and safety of students with special needs. Membership is open to all parents, educators, and interested community members.

For further information or concerns, please feel free to email or contact Melissa Maguire, Director of Student Services, (508) 945-5132 

Meetings are open to all individuals interested in support, education, and advice regarding students with special needs in Monomoy Regional School District.

The SEPAC Mission

The mission of the MRSD SEPAC is to enhance the educational experience for students receiving Special Education services and their families. We support families along their journey by educating caregivers, connecting caregivers to each other, and using their input to strengthen Special Education programs and services by advising and communicating with the MRSD School Committee and Administration.


Emily Bradley

Stephanie Goley

For further information or concerns, please feel free to email

Follow the SEPAC on Facebook

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First page of the PDF file: BR-UnderstandingtheIEPFlyerNovember2023
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