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Grade Four

Grade four students possess the literacy skills to read increasingly complex texts and to write extensively in a variety of genres. Students use their knowledge of human interaction with the environment to support their study of the geography of the United States, Mexico and Canada. In science, students study matter and energy on earth, in physical interactions, and in organisms. The focus in mathematics is on mastery of multiplication and division facts with fluency and understanding. Performance Tasks include: State Fair Project; Technology Opinion Paper; Medusa Character Description; Publishing Party; EPA Ecosystem Presentation; Marshmallow Geometry Project

English Language Arts
Monomoy fourth graders read grade-level appropriate narrative and expository texts with accuracy and fluency, and are able to use the information they read to ask and answer questions, and engage in class discussions about the elements and structure of the piece. Students write routinely over extended time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences, and increase the lengths of their pieces over the course of the year. Fourth grade students in Monomoy collaborate with other individuals and groups of students, to engage in discussions, work-study groups, and create projects throughout the course of the year.

Social Studies
In grade 4, students study the geography and people of the United States today. Students learn geography by addressing standards that embed five major concepts: location, place, human interaction with the environment, movement, and regions. In addition, they learn about the geography and people of contemporary Mexico and Canada.

In grade 4, students will be developing an understanding of multi-digit multiplication and division, fraction equivalence, application of all four operations on fractions, and analysis and classification of geometric figures. Students must have mastery of multiplication and division facts (10x10)- fluency with understanding (decomposition/re-composition and divisibility rules); mastering multiplicative reasoning- ability to execute standard procedures of multiplication and division with fluency and understanding.

Science and Technology/Engineering
Matter and Energy In grade 4, students observe and interpret patterns related to the transfer of matter and energy on earth, in physical interactions, and in organisms. Students learn about energy—its motion, transfer, and conversion—in different physical contexts. Grade 4 students interpret patterns of
changes over time as it relates to the deposition and erosion in landscape formation. They study today’s landscapes to provide evidence for past processes. Students learn about a broader set of animal internal and external structures that support life, growth, behavior, and reproduction. They work through the engineering design process, focusing on developing solutions by building, testing, and redesigning prototypes to fit a specific purpose. Each domain relates to the use of matter and energy over time and for specific purposes.

The Unified Arts
One of the primary goals of the unified arts instruction is to develop and expand children's natural abilities of perception, movement, interpretation, and appreciation of the forms, sounds, and language of creativity. The curriculum is designed to encourage a positive attitude and, perhaps, a lifelong interest in all of the unified arts disciplines. By participating in active experiences, working collaboratively with classmates and teachers, and presenting their work to the larger community, our students gain the technical and aesthetic foundation to be culturally literate citizens of the world.

Visual Arts
Art classes focus on young children’s natural abilities to perceive, create, and appreciate the visual arts, while developing a positive attitude, and perhaps, a lifelong interest in art. Painting, collage, clay, drawing, sculpture, and fiber art projects often relate to the themes that the children are studying in other areas of their curriculum. The children’s work is often displayed in hallways and galleries around the school.

Music instruction in the primary grades is based on a comprehensive, sequential, experience-based program used to develop basic musical skills and to teach the reading and writing of music. From lullabies, childhood chants, folk songs, singing games and dances, to the art music of master composers, students sing, move, listen, and respond to an ever-increasing repertoire of music, from which musical elements and concepts to be learned are derived.

The elementary physical education program provides opportunities for students to express themselves through movement. Classes focus on fine and gross motor skills, balance, spatial awareness, flexibility, endurance, strength and coordination. Activities are lively and fun, making use of a wide variety of equipment, ranging from bean bags to beach balls, whiffle bats, scoops, and foam paddles. The four most important areas for student learning are; skill development, personal responsibility, fitness, and sportsmanship.

The essential questions in the early elementary technology classroom are: How can students use technology responsibly and safely? How can students effectively use keyboarding hardware and software? How can students use technology for research, problem solving and innovation? and How do students use technology to communicate?